Motivated by the absence of community within his profession, Nick embarked on a mission to create the 3FUniverse, a platform that fosters dialogue and connection. Picture a universe where people share common goals yet remain strangers – Nick set out to change that and forge connections among those operating in the 3F2 orbit. With curiosity as his compass, Nick engages with his guests to uncover fresh insights. So, consider joining the 3FUniverse, where you'll have the chance to hear stories of vulnerability, resilience, and some lighthearted moments as well.
Nick hails from Fort Worth originally and recently earned his Communication degree.
Disclaimer: The appearance of external links on this site doesn’t constitute an official endorsement on behalf of the U.S. Air Force. The podcasts on this site are individually owned and don’t necessarily represent Air Force positions, strategies or opinions.
Disclaimer #2: Any professional, medical, legal or business advice is simply that. Advice. Please seek out a personal relationship with a professional who specializes in these areas. The 3FUniverse podcast is not responsible for any decisions you make following advice taken from this podcast.
CMSgt Kelly Herndon - "Even with my back against the wall – I don't give up"
Nick interviews ACC/A1 MAJCOM Functional Manager, CMSgt Kelly Herndon.
She tells us all about her job and what she gets up to on a daily basis, before moving on to some serious issues. This episode was originally live-streamed from Zoom to Facebook, there are moments where the Chief Herndon and Nick answer questions from the chat.
BIG SHOUTOUTS TO JOSH PAUL for the new intro/outro music!
Some topics from today's episode:
- What exactly does a MAJCOM Functional do?
- Helping other people versus doing your job
- Regrets - balancing life
- Nick tells the world he might retire
- Regrets about feeling like you owe the Air Force something
- Chief's pre Air Force life, and pre-3F2 life
- All these 2T2s and shoutouts to the homies
- Chief Herndon's Father and suicide
- Closure with deceased relatives
- Riding a unicycle
- Addressing Facebook Comments
Be a part of the 3FUniverse: (clickable links below)
#innovation #leadership #connectedness #podcasting #3F2 #3FUniverse #TRNG #UTMNWO #culture #cultivatingculture #futureAirmen #diversity #StrongOpinions #professionaldevelopment #authentic #success #AirForce #collaboration #opportunity
#SelfCare #survivorsofsuicide #servantleadership
This podcast is hosted by Buzzsprout and is available on most major podcast providers.
Disclaimer: The appearance of external links on this site doesn’t constitute an official endorsement on behalf of the U.S. Air Force. The podcasts on this site are individually owned and don’t necessarily represent Air Force positions, strategies or opinions.
Be a ⭐️ of the 👽 3FUniverse🪐
Created, funded and hosted by Nick Perez 🧼👊🏼
3Funiverse intro and outro theme music by the talented Joshua Paul 👏 🎛
Not an official DoD Podcast